Published: August 2009
ISBN-13: 978 1 84758 126 6
Author: Various
225 x 225mm/ 96pp/
£9.99, €13.99
Belfast Murals
Belfast murals are justifiably world famous: their depictions of sectarian violence and slogans are still one of the first things that visitors to Belfast make plans to see. Thankfully, the violence is now largely a thing of the past and most of the sectarian murals are slowly starting to disappear. This book is a timely capture of these images before they disappear into memory.
But not only political messages are shown in these murals, they show all types of scenes and people, sports stars, local scenes and cultural image. In fact a mural of a hunger striker is just as likely to be shown next to a celtic ring while a mural of loyalist paramilitaries could just easily be located to another showing shipyard workers. This book captures a tradition shared by both cultures.