Author: J.D. Sutherland |
Life and Works of Robert Burns - Pocket GuideRe-formatted for Spring 2008 the ever-popular Little Book range has been revised in an attractive new format.Life and Work of Robert Burns is a selection of some of Robert Burns’ most popular poems and songs. It also tells the life story of the man himself from his humble birth in Alloway, his hard-working upbringing, the discovery of poetry, and of course love. The latter three were to be the recurring themes of his life. Poems include ‘Tam O’Shanter’; ‘The De’il’s Awa’ wi’ the Exciseman’; ‘Address to a Haggis’; ‘To A Mouse’; ‘Clarinda, O Mistress of My Soul’ and ‘A Rosebud By My Early Walk’. Songs include ‘Auld Lang Sang’ and ‘My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose’.
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